I woke up today at 12, and this time I didn't feel guilty at all. This IMT 540 class that I take is too tight, the professor probably thinks we have nothing to do on weekends, so there is always a bunch of readings to study. I think that's bull shit, come on, it's only a four credit class and we are working as if were a eight credit class. It's probably been two months since I woke up anytime I want. And I think I fucking deserve this kind of rest. The quarter is about to end and we have two final presentations ahead,so I got to enjoy this weekend.
I did some study and head to Chris's place. I watched the Pistons play the Rockets and took my on-line exam at the same time. After waching the game we and two other friends Joe and sue ching deicded to go to a bar, I think it was a gay bar, but i just didn't feel like going. I headed back and watched "fantastic four". it's another superhero comic movie that's popular in the states. Although Jessica Alba was hot, the movie sucked. It was worser than I though. But that's the problem with lots of the movies, they just think adding special effects can buy the audience. No depth in movies nowadays. I guess the only good comic movie made recently were batman begins, spider man, and Xmen. Looking forward to "superman returns"
Now it's 2 in the morning, and I'm going to play softball at 9. it's probably going to frezze but I'm excited cause we haven't played for two weeks. I don't feel like sleeping and want to watch more movies. But I guess it's time to sleep. I just decide to type freestyle in english whatever comes out of my mine, cause today was a great day, I did what I liked the most-- watch sports and movies. Just fuck the assignments and fuck the readings.
- Nov 19 Sat 2005 18:18
One Day Diary